Halal-Related Food Crimes: Concept And Mitigation Strategies
Adulteration, Crime, Intentional, Contamination, HalalAbstract
Food crime is a serious issues that is recently emerged in the halal food supply chain. The halal food sector, which is growing globally, is facing various forms of food crimes and necessitates a comprehensive solution. Addressing halal-related food crimes are crucial as it can contribute to negative impact halal industry both within Malaysia and global market. Nevertheless, few researches has been done to elaborate on halal-related food crimes. Therefore, this paper aimed to provide conceptual elaboration for halal-related food crime. To achieve the objectives of the study, this study utilizes qualitative methods in data collection through extensive library research. Next, the obtained data were analyzed using content analysis method. Furthermore, this study also provides future recommendations and mitigation strategies towards halal-related food crimes. The study found that halal-related food crimes are involving the act of intentional contamination within halal food supply chain that can jeopardize both halal and toyyiban aspect. As for mitigation strategies, several approaches can be highlighted such as developing robust halal assurance system, enforcing the law, solution through government-to-government (G2G) diplomacy, halal supply chain-oriented and halal vigilance.
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