Correlation Solar Flares With Three Active Regions And Attenuation Of High-Frequency Signal Within Three Days


  • S N A Shamsuddin Master Student
  • Z S Hamidi Associate Professor
  • N N M Shariff Associate Profesor


Flares, Burst, Active, Region, Attenuation


The word Sun or al-Shams (in Arabic) is mentioned 33 times in 32 verses of the Qur’an. To date, theoretical study of the Sun has been generally successful in providing an understanding of the surface properties of the Sun. Ionosphere disturbance and solar flares are closely related events where the HF communication that depends on the ionosphere region may disrupt and cause a major shut down in the worst case. In this study, the recent condition of the solar flare event produced by associated active regions correlation with the ionosphere disturbance on the Earth has been analyzed. At the end of 2020, there are many active regions (AR) that can be observed as the Sun was in an active state. This study limits the active regions and solar flares for three days (23rd November 2020 – 25th November 2020). 15 solar flares have been detected with 4 active regions (AR) within these three days. Active regions captured by the sun magnetogram are AR2783, AR2784, AR2785, and AR2786. AR2786 is the active region with a huge size of sunspots. Although AR2784 was observed, however, there is no sign of flares ejected within these three days. The number of sunspots varied from 33 to 40.  The observation on the sun through HMI magnetogram and SDO Fe IX/X 171 Ȧ where the image can be accessed from the solar monitor website. The observation correlates with ionosphere disturbance by observing the attenuation of HF communication through D-region absorption prediction (D-RAP). The ionosphere will undergo excess photoionization due to radiation ejected during a solar flare.


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Author Biographies

S N A Shamsuddin, Master Student

Faculty of Applied Sciences, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM). 

Z S Hamidi, Associate Professor

Institute of Science, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM). 

N N M Shariff, Associate Profesor

Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies (ACIS), Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM).



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How to Cite

Shamsuddin, S. N. A. ., Hamidi, Z. S. ., & Shariff, N. N. M. . (2022). Correlation Solar Flares With Three Active Regions And Attenuation Of High-Frequency Signal Within Three Days. Al-Qanatir: International Journal of Islamic Studies, 27(2), 221–227. Retrieved from


