Community Development: The Protagonist’s Role Of Ubudiah Mosque


  • Roziya Abu Associate Professor
  • Zati Atiqah Mohamad Tanuri Senior Lecturer
  • Nor Famiza Tarsik Senior Lecturer
  • Siti Khairunnisa Sheikh Abdul Mutalib Senior Lecturer
  • Syed Mohammed Alhady Syed Ahmad Alhady Senior Lecturer
  • Mohd Nor Azam Md Salleh Senior Lecturer


Community, Development, Socio-Economic, Ubudiah, Mosque


One of Malaysia's most recognisable structures is the stately Ubudiah Mosque. It is considered one of the world's most beautiful mosques. Built in 1913 and completed in late 1917, the Ubudiah Mosque is one of the oldest mosques in Malaysia and it is one of the most prominent tourist attractions in Kuala Kangsar, Perak. The Ubudiah Mosque was gazetted as historic built heritage and it is one of the 79 heritage sites in Perak protected under the National Heritage Act 2005 [Act 645].  Economically, the mosque helps to grow numerous local businesses and boosts the tourism industry in Kuala Kangsar and Perak as a whole. The purpose of this study is to capture Ubudiah Mosque's protagonist role in its community development activities. This study employs the qualitative single case study method with an oral history methodology. This study used this method to undertake a thorough assessment of historical material for the Ubudiah Mosque and to record interviews between a narrator (research team members) with personal experience of historically significant events and a knowledgeable interviewee. Combinations of religions and social activities held at the mosque, such as prayers, seminars, Quran classes, community service, breaking fast together during Ramadhan, community work, and so on, were seen as the protagonist role of Ubudiah Mosque in the study. Furthermore, the presence of the Ubudiah Mosque as a social attraction (for both local and foreign visitors) adds to the economic development of the city and state. This article provides a summary of the study findings, which is based on extensive literature and historical documents that show how mosques around the world have played successful roles in community involvement, participation, and growth through their empowering determination.


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Author Biographies

Roziya Abu , Associate Professor

Faculty of Information Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM). 

Zati Atiqah Mohamad Tanuri , Senior Lecturer

Faculty of Information Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM). 

Nor Famiza Tarsik, Senior Lecturer

Faculty of Information Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM). 

Siti Khairunnisa Sheikh Abdul Mutalib, Senior Lecturer

Faculty of Information Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM).

Syed Mohammed Alhady Syed Ahmad Alhady , Senior Lecturer

Faculty of Information Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)

Mohd Nor Azam Md Salleh, Senior Lecturer

Faculty of Information Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)


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How to Cite

Abu , R. ., Mohamad Tanuri , Z. A. ., Tarsik, N. F. ., Sheikh Abdul Mutalib, S. K., Syed Ahmad Alhady , S. M. A., & Md Salleh, M. N. A. . (2022). Community Development: The Protagonist’s Role Of Ubudiah Mosque . Al-Qanatir: International Journal of Islamic Studies, 27(2), 212–220. Retrieved from


