A Case Study On The Distribution Of Zakat To Fi Sabilillah Recipients
Zakat, Distribution, Recipients, Asnaf, FisabilillahAbstract
There are eight asnaf (recipients) of zakat specified by Allah S.W.T. in the Holy Quran, which include among them fi sabililah. However, there is a debate among scholars on the definition of fi sabilillah. Different interpretations are given by scholars. Contemporary scholars tend to widen the scope of fi sabilillah interpretation. The practice of giving zakat for educational purposes, i.e., for fi sabililah recipients, is an important strategy that can be implemented to lift this group out of poverty. It is a lifelong process of increasing one's self-worth. However, there are some fi sabilillah asnaf who are still being neglected due to insufficient zakat support, especially in the current unstable economic situation. Therefore, this study aims to examine the zakat for education aid provided to asnaf fi sabilillah by Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB), one of the largest fund management companies in Malaysia. The focus of the study is first to discuss PNB's practice regarding the interpretation of asnaf fi sabilillah according to fiqh and second to examine how PNB allocates zakat for fi sabilillah, i.e., for educational purposes. This research adopts qualitative methods by using interviews and content analysis of data from journals, articles, etc. The findings of the research show that PNB generally adheres to the ijtihad of contemporary scholars in the definition of fi sabilillah, which indicates that it does not only subject itself to war or jihad. In addition, PNB works with several other organisations to facilitate the distribution of zakat for education to asnaf fi sabilillah.
Associate Manager, Shariah Management Department, PNB. 7/12/2022
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