Enhancing Human Well-Being Through Zurri Waqf: A Sustainable Development Perspective
Community, Philanthropy, SDG, Zurri Waqf, MalaysiaAbstract
This research examines whether zurri waqf, a traditional Islamic way of giving money based on family and community values, could help reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It seeks to understand how Zurri Waqf initiatives can contribute to sustainable development and social progress. The research employs a qualitative analysis of case studies. Qualitative data is collected through interviews and document reviews. The study also employs a comparative analysis of zurri waqf practices across diverse regions. The findings reveal that zurri waqf is pivotal in addressing a range of SDGs, particularly poverty alleviation, access to quality education, healthcare, and community development. Zurri waqf initiatives exhibit a solid commitment to social welfare, and their success is often attributed to a combination of familial involvement, community support, and innovative governance structures. The study finds several essential success factors, such as making sure that zurri waqf goals align with the community's needs, managing funds in a way that does not harm the community's resources, and working well together with local stakeholders. The limitations of this study include a potential bias in the selection of case studies and the availability of data. Additionally, the research predominantly focuses on zurri waqf initiatives in select regions and may only capture part of the spectrum of practices globally. This study contributes to a broader understanding of the potential and challenges of zurri waqf as a catalyst for achieving the SDGs. This research offers original insights into the often-overlooked role of zurri waqf in sustainable development. It provides a comprehensive analysis of how zurri waqf aligns with and contributes to the SDGs, shedding light on its potential as a sustainable philanthropic model. The study's findings can be of great value to policymakers, philanthropists, and development practitioners seeking innovative approaches to empower communities and advance sustainable development.
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