Empowering Families, Eradicating Poverty: Unleashing The Power Of Zurri Waqf In Malaysia
Empowering, Family, Poverty, Zurri Waqf, MalaysiaAbstract
Zurri waqf is a form of Islamic endowment within inheritance and family legacy. In Malaysia, zurri waqf can transform families and communities, addressing wealth distribution, financial stability, and poverty reduction. This research explores the potential of zurri waqf as an instrument for sustainable economic development. It emphasises its capacity to empower families, promote financial responsibility, and contribute directly to poverty eradication efforts within Malaysia. Existing research often focuses on the theoretical and historical aspects of waqf. This study delves deeper into its practical applications to understand how zurri waqf's implementation can optimise its benefits for families and communities. This study employs a qualitative analysis: In-depth interviews with waqf experts, stakeholders, and beneficiaries to learn more about their thoughts, experiences, and problems with implementing the zurri waqf; a look at successful implementations of the zurri waqf to find examples of good management and results that help reduce poverty; Zurri Waqf possesses vast potential for social and economic transformation. Malaysia can leverage this instrument to empower families and contribute meaningfully to poverty eradication. Zurri Waqf can create sustainable income streams that provide long-term support for families. Collaboration among stakeholders, including Islamic institutions and government agencies, is crucial for maximising the benefits of zurri waqf. Successful management models emphasise asset development and community reinvestment. This research provides a comprehensive understanding of zurri waqf's practical applications, offering valuable insights to policymakers, Islamic institutions, and stakeholders on how to effectively implement this powerful tool for the betterment of families and communities in Malaysia.
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