Sunni-Shia Conflict Resolution Strategy And Its Impact On Harmonizing The Society: Evidence From Sampang, Madura


  • Maskuri Professor
  • Fita Mustafida Lecturer
  • M. Fahrudin Andriyansyah Lecturer
  • Dian Mohammad Hakim Lecturer


Resolution, Conflict, Sunni-Shia, Harmonization, Society


Various approaches to resolving the Sampang Shia ideological identity conflict have been profoundly delved into. Although the government has successfully brought the expelled ex-Shia residents back, the deciphering of the problem has yet to be ascertained for ten years. Through a narrative approach, this study portrayed the divergence of Sampang's brotherhood due to sectarian identity issues. An interdisciplinary approach was employed to comprehensively analyse the problems by combining compatible political sociology and social policy. The research was conducted in Karang Gayam Omben (Sampang) and the Puspa Agro Jemundo Sidoarjo Flats. Observation, semi-structured and informal in-depth interviews, and documentation were plotted to collect the data and explore reconciliation efforts and Sunni-Shia conflict resolution strategies. In addition, the social relations of ex-Shia residents after being repatriated to their area of origin were also investigated. The study directed the Milles Huberman Saldana model in data collection, condensation, presentation, and conclusions as the data analysis. Moreover, the study successfully mapped out a strategy for deciphering the conflict, comprising mediation, reconciliation, relocation, rehabilitation, and reconstruction. This strategy may impact the social relations of Sampang residents (the victims and the local community), leading to stronger brotherhood, independence, open-mindedness, forgiveness, and rebuilding the lost trust.


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Author Biographies

Maskuri, Professor

Universitas Islam Malang

Fita Mustafida, Lecturer

Universitas Islam Malang

M. Fahrudin Andriyansyah, Lecturer

Universitas Islam Malang

Dian Mohammad Hakim, Lecturer

Universitas Islam Malang



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Detik Jatim. (diakses pada 1 Mei 2024)




How to Cite

Maskuri, Fita Mustafida, Andriyansyah, M. F., & Mohammad Hakim, D. . (2024). Sunni-Shia Conflict Resolution Strategy And Its Impact On Harmonizing The Society: Evidence From Sampang, Madura. Al-Qanatir: International Journal of Islamic Studies, 33(3), 423–430. Retrieved from