Takaful Scheme For Mental Health Disorders: Empirical Insights From Employees


  • Noor Aznaim Abd Latib Senior Lecturer
  • Nur Adlina Azmi Postgraduate Student
  • Siti Sarah Izham Senior Lecturer
  • Siti Nor Amira Mohamad Senior Lecturer


Awareness, Knowledge, Mental Health Disoder, Takaful, Scheme


Mental and behavioural disorders contribute to approximately 7.3% of the global burden of disease. In Malaysia, 29.2% of adults have been diagnosed with mental health diseases, indicating a significant issue that requires attention. To address this problem, Islamic takaful protection operators should consider introducing a market that covers mental health treatment in Malaysia. This study aims to determine the level of awareness and knowledge regarding takaful schemes for mental health disorders among staff at Renesas Semiconductor (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. The study utilised a validated questionnaire to measure two variables, and data was collected from 60 staff samples and analysed using statistical software to obtain the frequency, percentage, and mean. The study found that the staff at Renesas have a positive understanding of mental health diseases, with a mean score of 3.81. The level of awareness of the availability of takaful mental health scores obtained a mean score of 3.43, indicating a moderate level of awareness. However, knowledgeable participants were found to be very receptive to the effects of mental health diseases. To improve awareness and knowledge of mental health diseases and the availability of takaful mental health, various intervention programmes should be conducted, particularly those that focus on women, older adults, those with low socio-economic income, and those with primary education. Additionally, future studies should analyse the factors that affect consumers' willingness to adopt takaful mental health disorder schemes. The results of this study can serve as a reference for the further development of takaful schemes for mental health disorders.


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Author Biographies

Noor Aznaim Abd Latib, Senior Lecturer

Senior Lecturer, Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies, University Teknologi MARA , Shah Alam

Nur Adlina Azmi, Postgraduate Student

Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies, University Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam

Siti Sarah Izham, Senior Lecturer

Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies, University Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam

Siti Nor Amira Mohamad, Senior Lecturer

Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies, University Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam



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How to Cite

Abd Latib, N. A., Azmi, N. A. ., Izham, S. S., & Mohamad, S. N. A. . (2024). Takaful Scheme For Mental Health Disorders: Empirical Insights From Employees . Al-Qanatir: International Journal of Islamic Studies, 33(3). Retrieved from https://www.al-qanatir.com/aq/article/view/886