The Attitude Of Muslim Youth In Malaysia Towards The Use Of Halal Cosmetic Products: An Empirical Study
Attitude, Halal, Cosmetics, Muslim, YouthAbstract
One of the most important things that men and women today need in order to boost their confidence is cosmetics. This millennium's technological advancements enable the effective production of cosmetics. It is imperative that the materials used be halal and devoid of any ingredients that are forbidden or detrimental to the user. Consumers these days are also very concerned about ingredients in cosmetic items that contain haram elements or are not quite clear about their halal status. Thus, the primary objective of this research is to examine the attitudes of Malaysian Muslim youth towards the use of halal cosmetics. For the purpose of gathering data, a questionnaire-based survey approach was selected, involving 377 randomly selected respondents who were Malaysian higher education students. Software called Statistical Packages of Social Science (SPSS) version 23.0 was used to analyse the data that had been gathered. The research hypothesis is tested in this study's analysis using the Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests. According to the findings, young people who are 31 years of age and older have a higher attitude score towards the usage of halal cosmetics than people in other age groups. Results also indicate that individuals who are 20 years of age or younger scored the lowest on their position regarding the use of halal cosmetics. The youth's opinion on the use of halal cosmetics is also impacted by the disparity in educational opportunities. It has been demonstrated that the test's p = 0.001 level of significance. Finally, a noteworthy distinction in young people's perspective on the use of halal cosmetics may be seen based on their marital status. Youth who were married scored 264.00, more than respondents who were single. The results of this study should help the consumer community, particularly the younger demographic, understand their position on the choice and application of cosmetics that have been certified halal.
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